Remote Area Medical Releases Stats from last weekend’s clinic in Gray

Results are in from last weekend’s Remote Area Medical Clinic at the Appalachian Fair Grounds in Gray.
According to RAM, they provided free dental, vision, and medical checks to 764 people over the three day period, totaling up to nearly $500,000 worth of work. This most recent clinic saw a collaboration between Appalachian Mountain Project Access, Ballad Health Cancer Center, and ETSU to supply resources for the clinic. Several volunteers from an array of colleges at ETSU were present at the clinic.
“We had another successful RAM clinic in Gray this year thanks to the work of our wonderful volunteers,” said RAM CEO Jeff Eastman. “We are glad to have been able to continue to fill the gaps for the underserved and underinsured who can’t afford or don’t have access to a doctor, dentist, or optometrist.”
This is the third clinic hosted in Gray.
Courtesy of Image: RAM