Plan to Arm Teachers in Lee County Will Cause Insurance Premiums to Rise

If Lee County schools’ implements a plan to arm teachers then their insurance premiums will rise.
The school system has faced criticism on it’s decsion from top government officials around the state, inlcuding Attorney General Mark herrig. Superintendent Brian Austin plans to move forward with the plan after the Lee County school board voted for it in July.
Teachers would carr a Model 19 Glock. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office is working with the school system and says the guns will be concealed on teachers, who have gone through extensive training.
Proponents of arming teachers say that the action is cheaper than hiring additional school resource officers. However, the school system has applied for additional grant money from the state to hire 3 additional SROs.
Due to security reasons it’s also unclear how many guns will be purchased teachers and who exactly will be chosen to arm.