Five Northeast TN school systems heading back to class today, some in-person, others virtual

Two Northeast TN school systems will welcome students back to the classroom this week before moving to virtual learning.
Carter County Schools are opening throughout the week using a 25% staggered schedule before switching to fully remote learning beginning next Monday. Unicoi County Schools will operate in a similar fashion, also using a staggered schedule to allow students to meet with teachers and pick up learning devices before heading to fully online learning starting next Monday.
Three other Northeast TN school systems are starting today fully remote. In Johnson County, classes will be online from today until Aug. 28, followed by a reevaluation of those plans by the board of education.
Greene County Schools are also starting fully remote learning today and will remain operating in those plans until further notice.
Hawkins County Schools start classes virtually this week, with plans to return to the classroom next Monday under the district’s red phase operations, which limits access to 25% of the system’s students with rotating schedules.
Photo Courtesy: Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash