TN Fire marshals changing classroom rules to protect children in event of active shooter

After increased fears in school shootings and recent events in the country, the Tennessee State Fire Marshall’s Office is changing some classroom rules.
Typically, a teacher would be given a citation for having door barricade devices; however, loosening the rules, teachers will no longer be written-up for these life-saving devices. One stipulation is the barricades cannot be attached to a door or deployed during annual classroom inspections.
The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance explained in a release that if a device is used for purposes other than security drills or lock-downs, it will be noted as a deficiency. Faculty and staff are not allowed to make any alterations to classroom doors that do not comply with current codes.
The new leniency on the code comes after recent back-to-back school shootings in Texas and Florida with hopes of keeping more children safe in the event of an active shooter.